Saturday, May 06, 2006

Two blogs for your pleasure!

I would like to introduce to you a fantastic blog I found on Blogs of Note:
It's called Mighty Optical Illusions and the above picture is from that blog. You can spend endless hours of fun just browsing through its hundreds of entries, all about optical illusions...
Especially with the one below, I spent hours and hours just to find the 75 bands hidden in the picture, from a Virgin Digital Competition. Click on it to enlarge it and play!

After playing, go to the Mighty Illusions entry for that picture, where you'll piss yourself laughing by some of the answers!

Also, today I am officialy launching my Panacea blog! I felt that I'm not accomplishing my mission I had when I first started blogging, which was to talk mainly about music, but I also don't want to miss this fantastic therapeutic interraction. So Panacea will be my blog to talk about the CDs I have put on my MP3 player and it will be updated at least every week, or whenever I'm in the mood of writing about music...

After copying and pasting my previous entries from this blog, I have started with a fine young fellow by the name of Mr David Robert Jones. I will try and make it exciting, with podcasts, links and videos. Go here to find out more!

Tomorrow I'm going to Southend-On-See to see Casbah Club and Mikey! Hurrah!!!!
I'll be back on Monday evening and I'll blog every detail...

I know I'm beeing a horrible blogger and don't visit your blogs regularly enough, but I promise I will, it's not easy with my working hours and my mom being here.
Life will go back to normal on the 24th of May, when I'll be back from Greece.

Kisses to all,
have a lovely weekend


blue said...

Hi Marietta!

Really interesting illusion site!
I could find Pet Shop Boys and U2(=
uu).That it. Poor

You are going to Casbah Club and Mikey's GIG! I wish I could be there on Sunday.
Please say my Hi! to them.
Hope you enjoy it.

I booked air ticket to London for Hyde Park Calling. But my day off haven't been confirmed so far..

Tomoko xx

Michael said...

Hey "M"!!!
I posted the same or sent the same stuff over to Gary on the Chaulk guy he is amazing!!!! thanks for your thoughts and prayers they helped a lot when I was feeling down.....michael :)

PTfan said...

Sweetie. We understand. Visit when you can. I've stopped appologizeng when I don't visit blogs enough. Life happens. I'm just thankful that you all visit me when ever you can. I also love you all letting me sneak a peak into your lives. It's fine. : )

PTfan said...

That is way cool you are going to see Mikey and CC!

I'm just passsing through.I will check out your blog more in depth later.

Ben R said...

Hi Marietta!

I'll probably be in the Cricketer's Arms from about 5pm until Riga's doors open tonight. Not sure if any other bloggers will be in there! I think it's the nearest watering hole to the venue.

Ben Reeve

PTfan said...

Ooh, that band picture is fun!

Tell Simon I said Hi!!!! and I can't wait to see him in the USA!

Anne-Marie said...

Hi Marietta,
Thanks for the blog links. I've played the bands picture before and it's quite challenging. I think I found just over 40, but it took awhile. Stop feeling bad about blogging- do what you can, you know all your friends here understand what it's like to have busy lives, and it's great to hear from you when you can manage it.

Enjoy the CC and Mikey concert!


word verification: myrderrn

grace said...

Hope you have fun at the Casbah Club!! Will look forward to your photos... Grace

Mark T said...

Hi Marietta, what a lovely Mum you have. She really enjoyed herself. A great night all round. Let's hope there is another one fairly soon. Hope that your ears are recovering. Take care, Mark